Friday, December 16, 2011

December 09, 2011

Journal Entry #25
What would you like to discover?  Explain why.

Class share out of Journal Entries!!

Protocol for sharing our writing.
We listen to the reader.
We reflect (think about) what the reader has written.
BUT we do not comment or question the thoughts or opinions of the writer.

Focus Questions:
Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?
How did it affect your life?
How do you imagine you would react to losing your home to water, mud, wind, or fire?

Class discussion surrounding Hurrican Katrina (2005):  loss of homes & businesses, deaths, water height (avg, 8-12 ft.), + 25,000 people took shelter in the SuperDome, who and where were the people hardest hit by this disaster (bottom of the "saucer"  lower socio-economic strata)

How do you describe this to people who were not there?

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